
‘What Lies Between Them’

I write with Jacqueline Harrett under the penname J.L. Harland. Our
cowritten short stories and flash fiction have appeared in print and online.

Our debut novel ‘What Lies Between Them’ was published with Dixi Books in
February 2022 and we have written a second novel together which we hope
will be published before too long. Much more about J.L. Harland, and the fun, inspiration and challenge of co-writing can be found at our website.

4.9 out of 5*

On Amazon from 18 reviews

The Word Bird

Amazon review
‘An impressive debut’



Amazon review
‘Given as a Mother’s Day present, I wasn’t sure what to expect but thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to the next one’



Amazon review
‘Engrossing and truthful’

Elin Fiorelli, a Welsh/Italian career academic, from a working-class background, has returned from three months in Finland to Brynderwen University, Cardiff.

She thinks she has her future mapped out; a professorship within her grasp. However, her former lover, Michael Harwick, is now her boss. Her job is at risk and the ghosts of their shared past come back to haunt her with the secret she has kept buried deep within herself for so long.

When her mother becomes ill, trying to balance work and duty becomes ever more difficult. But Elin is resilient and, as the year unfolds, she faces her past traumas, emerging stronger than before.

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